| What
is Krimpy? Krimpy
is an Open Source file sharing client based on the Internet Relay Chat network.
It allows users to easily share music, pictures, video and other files via IRC
channels. Krimpy supports the popular SDFind protocol. Download
mp3, jpg, mpg and more ! Download
Krimpy or get involved ! Note:
If you haven't installed Krimpy on your system before, you will first need to
download and install the package labeled "runtime". After that, you
can just download the core binary updates.
| | I
had the idea for Krimpy after using a mIRC script called SDFind. The script, written
by SDSailor, makes it easier to serve files via IRC channels. However, searching
for and requesting files on IRC is still a very manual process. Users must type
in lengthy commands, monitor multiple chat windows, etc. My attempt with Krimpy
was to automate the whole process. There are currently two basic types of file
sharing utilities: peer to peer and server based. Krimpy combines the strengths
of both systems. Since Krimpy uses IRC, file exchanges are negotiated via a central
server. This is more efficient than a peer-to-peer system, such as Gnutella, where
each client acts as a repeater for file requests. Once a file has been requested,
Krimpy handles the exchange by directly connecting to the client and performing
a standard DCC file transfer. This has the benefit of a peer-to-peer system, since
the central server does not contain the files being shared, nor a database of
filenames being offered. There are several other advantages to Krimpy. The IRC
network has been around for many years. It is time tested, with a large network
of servers around the world. It is highly unlikely that this will change in the
near future. Also, Krimpy is completely Open Source. Users are free to see exactly
what the program is doing. Many of the file sharing utilities available today
contain advertisements and spyware. Krimpy is written in Microsoft Visual Basic
6.0, although, I am open to the idea of porting Krimpy to other operating systems
through a more universal programming language. Presently, all the basic functions
are working, albeit a bit buggy. Many of the things that should be configurable
(server name, user name, etc.) have been hard coded for now. Also, the size of
all program windows is fixed. I tried to focus on getting the core functions working
rather than spending time on the display details. Krimpy conforms to the protocol
established by SDSailor, so it can be used in any IRC channel that uses SDFind.
Since the SDFind protocol is meant to be human readable, it is not exactly the
most efficient. Ideally, in the future, a more streamlined protocol would be established
for Krimpy clients. If you would like to get involved with the project, feel free
to contact me. -
Jackie Treehorn